What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a form of Chinese Medicine that has been in practice for thousands of years. Very fine needles are inserted into the skin at specific anatomic sites that are called acupuncture points. These points are on meridians located all over the body that serve various functions. The basic tenet of Chinese medicine is the concept of yin and yang. The relationship of these two forces affect one’s health, including physical, emotional, and psychological states. Acupuncture guides the qi of the body towards improved function. This allows one’s body to promote healing, correct imbalances, and move towards homeostasis. In Western medical theory, acupuncture works by affecting the nervous system. These acupuncture points stimulate nerves, muscles and connective tissue. Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, which are the body’s natural pain relieving chemicals. Neurotransmitters, vasodilators, and hormones are released to regulate blood flow and pressure, reduce inflammation, and calm the brain, making one feel more relaxed. The gate control theory posits that pain messages sent to the brain can be interrupted. The exact mechanisms of acupuncture are unknown, but the effects are measurable, safe, and successful. Acupuncture is most recognized for its efficacy on pain relief as it has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In practice, acupuncture is used for so much more.
Acupuncture can be helpful in maintaining good health and in treating a wide range of health problems. The following is the World Health Organization’s list of diseases that are treatable by acupuncture.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Essential hypertension
Neurological Disorders
Headache and migraine
Trigeminal neuralgia
Facial palsy (early stage, within three to six months)
Paresis following stroke
Peripheral neuropathies
Meniere’s Disease
Nocturnal enuresis
Cervicobrachial syndrome
Neurogenic bladder dysfunction
Intercostal neuralgia
Disc problems
Musculo-skeletal Disorders
Muscle pain, swelling, stiffness and weakness
Localized traumatic injuries, sprains, strains, tendonitis, contractures
A rthritis
Work and sports related injuries
Low back pain
“Frozen shoulder”, “tennis elbow”
Respiratory System Disorders
Acute sinusitis
Acute rhinitis
Common cold
Acute tonsillitis
Acute bronchitis
Bronchial asthma
Disorders of the Eye, Ear, Nose & Mouth
Acute conjunctivitis
Central retinitis
Myopia (in children)
Cataract (without complications)
Toothaches, post extraction pain
Acute and chronic pharyngitis
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Spasms of esophagus and cardia
Irritable bowel and colitis
Acute and chronic gastritis
Gastric hyperacidity
Chronic duodenal ulcer (pain relief)
Acute duodenal ulcer (without complication)
Acute and chronic colitis
Acute bacillary dysentery
Paralytic ileus
Gynecological Disorders
Infertility (Not WHO recognized. Clinical experience proves effective.)
Menopause syndrome
Benign irregular menstruation
Benign amenorrhea
Psychological Disorders
Somatization disorder
Other Disorders
Withdrawal from street and pharmacological drugs
Appetite suppression