These are some of the methods I use for treatment. For a typical session, you will have 30 minutes resting on the acupuncture table with the needles in. Electroacupuncture, cupping, gua sha, or moxibustion may be used also.
Acupuncture can shorten the duration of recovery from injury, illness, and promote healing. Acupuncture works by manipulating the qi that travels in the meridians that run throughout our body. Meridians are the conduits in the body through which energy flows to every part of the body and through every organ and tissue. When there is pain, for example, it is often due to a blockage of the free flow, and acupuncture can be used to balance and correct the problem. Extremely thin, single use sterile disposable needles are used at various points on the body. Electrical stimulation can also be utilized at the acupuncture points, as well as acupressure and moxibustion. Learn more about acupuncture.
Cupping is the application of a heated glass cup, a silicone or plastic suction cup creating negative pressure placed on the body. This method is prevalent across many cultures besides Chinese Medicine. Cupping is very effective for moving qi, releasing toxins, improving circulation and creating localized healing. I use stationary and/ or moving cupping depending on the condition.
Gua Sha
‘Gua sha’ literally means scraping the skin to promote blood circulation, reduce trigger points, and to promote healing. Various tools can be used, such as a ceramic soup spoon or a coin. The skin is lubricated and then pressure is applied and scraping is done with a gua sha tool.
Ai ye, or the herb mugwort, is burned close to the skin to improve qi and blood flow. It is strongly warming and extremely effective for pain, deficiency, or to flip a breech baby presentation.
Herbal medicine
Chinese Medicine includes the prescribing of herbal formulas. These substances are primarily plants, but include some mineral and animal products. Different parts of plants such as the leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and seeds are used. Herbs have specific and different actions and usages, and when combined in a formula provide powerful results. These are taken as teas, capsules/pills, tinctures, or powders.
Ear acupuncture
The ear is a microcosm of the body. Specific points on the ear reflect the anatomical body and processes. I will use needles or place ‘ear seeds’ on precise ear points to enhance treatment effects.
Initial Evaluation and Treatment
New patients, generally about 60 - 75 minutes in length for the visit.
Follow up visits
Established patients for follow up visits, generally 50-60 minutes in length.